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医案日记 2023-06-18 19:01:34







CT肺血管造影 CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) is a medical diagnostic test that employs computed tomography to obtain an image of the pulmonary arteries. Its main use is to diagnose pulmonary embolism (PE).[1] It is a preferred choice of imaging in the diagnosis of PE due to its minimally invasive nature for the patient, whose only requirement for the scan is an intravenous line. Modern MDCT (multi-detector CT) scanners are able to deliver images of sufficient resolution within a short time period, that CTPA has now supplanted previous methods of testing, such as isotope scanning or direct pulmonary angiography, as the gold standard for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The patient receives an intravenous injection of an iodine-containing contrast agent at a high-rate using an injector pump. Images are acquired with the maximum intensity of radio-opaque contrast in the pulmonary arteries. This can be done using bolus tracking. A normal CTPA scan will show the contrast filling the pulmonary vessels, appearing as bright white. Any mass filling defects, such as an embolus, will appear dark in place of the contrast, filling/blocking the space where blood should be flowing into the lungs. CT肺血管造影 (CTPA)是一医疗诊断测试,采用计算的断层扫描,以获得图像的肺动脉 。 它的主要用途是诊断肺栓塞 (PE)。 [1]这是一个首选的影像在诊断PE由于其微创性的病人,唯一的要求是一种静脉扫描线。 ,现代MDCT(多排螺旋CT)扫描仪能够提供足够高的分辨率的图像,在很短的时间内,CTPA现在已经取代了以前的测试方法,如同位素扫描或直接肺血管造影 ,诊断为肺金标准等症。 病人接受静脉注射含碘造影剂在一个高速率使用的喷射器泵。 画像获取在肺动脉无线电不透明对比度的,其最大强度。 这是可以做到使用丸剂跟踪 。 一个正常的CTPA扫描将显示的对比度,显示为亮白色填充肺血管。 任何填充的缺陷,如栓子的质量,会出现暗代替对比度,灌装/阻断血液的空间应流入肺部。 Diagnostic use诊断使用CTPA was introduced in the 1990s as an alternative to ventilation/perfusion scanning, which relies on radionuclide imaging of the blood vessels of the lung. It is regarded as a highly sensitive and specific test for pulmonary embolism.[1] CTPA is typically only requested if pulmonary embolism is suspected clinically. If the probability of PE is considered low, a blood test called D-dimer may be requested. If this is negative and risk of a PE is considered negligible, then CTPA or other scans are generally not performed. Most patients will have undergone a chest X-ray before CTPA is requested.[1] After initial concern that CTPA would miss smaller emboli, a 2007 study comparing CTPA directly with ventilation/perfusion scanning found that CTPA identified more emboli without decreasing the risk of long-term complications compared to V/Q scanning.[2] CTPA是在20世纪90年代作为一种替代通气/灌注扫描 ,这依赖于放射性核素肺血管成像的。 它被看作是一个高度敏感的和具体的测试肺栓塞[1] 。 ,CTPA通常只要求如果临床上怀疑有肺栓塞时。 如果PE的概率被认为是低,血液测试,称为D-二聚体可能会被要求。 如果这是阴性和风险的PE被认为可以忽略不计,那么CTPA或其他扫描一般不进行。 大多数患者都经历了一个胸部透视前CTPA要求。 [1] 在最初的关注CTPA会错过较小的栓子,2007年的研究比较CTPA直接与通气/灌注扫描发现,CTPA不降低长期并发症的风险相比,V / Q扫描发现了更多的栓子。 [2]


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